Wednesday, July 26, 2006

The Saved Generation

The Saved Generation

by Ben House

In the early 1920s, Ernest Hemingway and F. Scott Fitzgerald were dubbed "the lost generation". During these years, they lived for a time in France, formed a friendship, nurtured each other’s literary careers, and traveled about Europe. Across the channel from Hemingway and Fitzgerald, J.R.R. Tolkien and C.S. Lewis were beginning their careers as teachers and scholars at Oxford University. In time their famed literary friendship began around an informal group called the “Koalbiters” where they gathered to read Old Norse myths in the original languages. (Cont.)

Read the entire article, continued here at

SOCIAL SECURITY: Idolatry and Slavery

By Pastor Matt Trewhella

The Bible addresses all matters of life. In this pamphlet is an outline establishing that the Bible stands in opposition to the Social Security system enacted in America in 1935. Social Security is an unBiblical, idolatrous system for the following reasons:

NOTE: The following is only a compiled list of the reasons given by Pastor Trewhalla in his article, here.

1. Social Security is a violation of the 1st Commandment.  

2. Social Security is a violation of the 10th Commandment.  

3. Social Security violates God’s work ethic.  

4. Social Security violates the jurisdiction of the Family and the Church.  

5. Social Security undermines the Family.  

6. A person who numbers his child with the State is giving him or her a mark.   

7. A person who numbers his child with the State renders unto Caesar that which is not Caesar’s. 

8. A person who numbers his child with the State enslaves his child.  

Read the entire article on my website, here.

The Protest of a Protestant Minister Against Birth Control

by Rev. Matthew Trewhella

Sunlight was just beginning to break over the darkness of the morning as my wife and I headed toward the entrance of the cold brick-faced building. Fear and apprehension gripped me each step of the way. A thousand questions and thoughts raced through my mind. "How much pain will there be? Why the heck did I ever do this in the first place? Maybe I should just leave."

As I entered the door, I figured these were my last moments to bolt and run. I thought back to when I had done something similar six and a half years earlier and remembered the words that blazed across my mind when the procedure began--I will never do this again! Yet there I was, about to have a vasectomy reversal. What could possibly bring a man to the point where he would be willing to go under the knife once again?

Read the rest of the article here.

Five Reasons Why Christians Should Not Obtain a State Marriage License

by: Pastor Matt Trewhella

Every year thousands of Christians amble down to their local county courthouse and obtain a marriage license from the State in order to marry their future spouse. They do this unquestioningly. They do it because their pastor has told them to go get one, and besides, "everybody else gets one." This article attempts to answer the question - why should we not get one?

Read the entire article here.

What do you think of this Election?

The Bible doctrine of election and predestination is a doctrine seldom if ever heard by many people and many who have heard of it usually have misconceptions about it.

Briefly stated, God, before the foundation of the world, chose (elected) a certain number of persons and predestinated (predetermined) them to eternal glory. This choice of God is not based upon any foreseen good works in the one being chosen but solely according to the good purpose of His will. (Eph 1:4-5, Rom 9:11)

Sadly, many who are familiar with this doctrine have concluded or been taught that election and predestination keeps penitent sinners out of heaven. God forbid! In fact, a repenting sinner who comes to Christ, trusting in Him alone, is a sure sign that Jesus Christ has redeemed him. God’s electing grace through the redeeming blood of Jesus Christ is the only means whereby any sinner is eternally saved. (Rom 3:24)

Why is it that a sinner can only be saved by God’s electing grace? It is because man in his human nature will not and cannot choose God. (John 5:40, I Cor 2:14) The first man Adam was made sinless but subject to fall. Had he chosen to obey God and refused the forbidden fruit, he would have lived eternally on earth. But Adam sinned and so death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned. (Rom 5:12) The day Adam sinned he not only died a natural death but the Bible says he died spiritually the same day and that spiritual death then passed upon us all. (Gen 2:17, Rom 8:7-8) Simply put, there is not a single person who is capable of believing or obeying Christ in a saving way because he is spiritually dead.

When Paul wrote to the believers at Ephesus, he said they had been dead in trespasses and sins but have now been quickened (made alive) with Christ (Eph 2:1, 2:5). How did these once dead people become quickened with Christ? It was through the power of God, the same power that resurrected Christ from the dead. (Eph 1:19-20)

Jesus taught in John 3:3-5, that before we can see or enter the Kingdom of God, we must first be born again. He states that this new birth, which makes us alive in Christ and able to see and enter His kingdom, is through a sovereign, invisible, irresistible act of the Holy Spirit. (John 3:7-8)

All who are descendents of Adam are born dead in trespasses and sins. All who are chosen in Christ will be born again by God’s Holy Spirit. They will believe in Him and follow Him in obedience not in order to get eternal life, but because they have eternal life. (John 3:36) Therefore, we preach the gospel to every one knowing that God will quicken the hearts of his elect and by faith they will believe the gospel. (Col 1:23, I John 5:4,13)

Dear friend are you a believer in Jesus Christ? If so, it wasn’t because you chose God but because God chose you out of this sin cursed earth and predestinated you to be born again, believe in Christ and live with Him forever in eternal glory. (Rom 8:29-30) Halleluiah! To God be all the Glory. (Is 42:8)

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Persecution; Tyrrany; & Child-Killing in Mississippi

Darkness hates light being shined on it . . . .

My friend Mark Webb, who is without a doubt one of the best Gospel preachers I have ever heard, was speaking one time on Paul's warning "all those who live godly in Christ Jesus will suffer persecution." Mark made the statement that he -- along with most American Christians -- never really felt this & it terrified him.

I asked the question to my wife & some friends later : Why -- from the world's perspective -- do they persecute Christians ? Obviously, looking through Spiritual/ biblical eyes we know that the reason behind it is that they hate Christ & they hate the Truth so they attack the visible instrument of Christ & His Truth.
But, humanly speaking, why do governements persecute Christians ? They do not really care what we believe, or even what we teach in our churches & how we live in our homes.
Tyrants -- brutal & petty -- really only care about maintaining power. It is when what we believe, what we teach, & how we live becomes a threat to their lust for power, money, & controll that their hatred of these things spill over into actual persecution.

In the Voice of the Martyrs magazine, which covers persecution of Chrisitans in Communist & Muslim countries, they normally divide persecution into official & unofficial. Official involves harrassment & attacks by police & governement officials. The unofficial kind is when independant individuals, mobs, or non government organizations attack Christians. In the most anti-Christ regimes, the police & judicial system look the other way.
BOTH forms of persecution are being carried out in Mississippi's capital city this week.
Operation Save America (formerly Operation Rescue) is holding a national pro-life event in Jackson, Mississippi. Christians from across the country -- as well as local pro-life activists -- are taking their theology to the streets. But they are not alone, nor have the forces of death-worshipping tyrrany taken this lying down.

The official tyrrany is manifesting itself in both unconstitutional arrests of Christians for excercising their God-given, legally-protected rights to free speech and showing a blatant pro-abortion bias by not acting when anti-christ pro-abortion activists do the same thing or even viciously attack pro-lifers.

The arrests and official persecution has been covered both on Operation Save America's site and on Covenant News.

On the "unofficial" front, check this out :

Paul Vaughn, the Josiah Project, sent me this post, which tells the story of an attack by anarchists on a gentle Christian trying to stand for the Truth, his unborn neighbors & the Saviour . . .Jackson Mississippi - Prolife or Anti-Christ Monday, Jul 17 2006
Paul R. Vaughn 1:50 pm

The sign reads “stop the violence against clinics”. The irony is the group holding the sign has just finished threatening to kill the driver of the car and has smashed in the hood and front windshield of his car. Where is the violence coming from here? And what did the guy in the car do to deserve this?

Well for starters he showed up at a national prolife event being held in Jackson, MS this week. That’s right he dared to act on his beliefs and join with other like minded folks to exercise their God given rights, secured by the 1st amendment of The Constitution, to publicly proclaim what they believe.

What does that proclamation look like? For starters it consist of prayer, public preaching of the Gospel of the Kingdom of Christ, and some times even a display of what abortion actually looks like. Now this is where the real irony starts to come in. Have you ever seen an abortion? Have you seen the results of an abortion? I have. It seems to me if someone wants to protest against violence, they really should start inside the abortion clinics, not by beating up people’s cars.

Read the entire article here.


Thursday, July 13, 2006

Come to Mississippi & Save Babies


At one time, Planned Parenthood's own published statistics say that if ONE Christian is standing in front of one of their child-killing mills (aka abortion clinics), 15-20% of the mothers who had appointments to kill their babies leave & never come back.

Jesus Christ has promised us that the very Gates of Hell would not prevail against His church.

Evideince from around the country over the past twenty years have proven this to be the case where abortion chambers are concerned. Babies lives are saved when Christians take their pro-life views to the actual places of death; mothers, clinic workers, & the general public hear the Gospel; and abortion mills around the country have been closed down.

Please consider attending the Operation Rescue/ Operation Save America National Event in Jackson, Mississippi beginning July 15th & going through July 22.

There are a number of things with which I have significant disagreement with Operation Rescue over -- their ecumentalism; revivalism; and occasional reverence for ungodly charaters like Mike King ( aka "Rev","Dr","Martin Luther" King, "Jr.") & the abolitionists. But, as Mike Haley used to say : " I like what they're doing allot better than what others are not doing."

While we discuss & disect the rightness of one group's approach, strategy, philosophy & theology our unborn neighbors are being dragged away to death (Proverbs 24:11). Operation Save America is coming to Mississippi to tangibly love my neighbors, how can I not join them ?

I am planning on going for the last few days . Please plan on joining me there.

Monday, July 10, 2006

A Reformed, Biblical Defence of Young Earth Creationism

Six Day Creationism -- Biblical, Practical, Necessary,Historic, and -- most importantly -- Christ centered; the scientific evidence is merely a bonus -Leslie

Originally published by The Chalcedon Foundation
Literal, Six-Day Creation and the Local Church

Charles A. McIlhenny
I take a literalist position on the creation account not because I like "literalism," nor because literalism is the only logical-rational defense against irrationalism, liberalism, and cultism; nor do I hold it for some unreasoning "fundamentalist" prejudice against secular science. I take a literalist position on creation because upon investigation of the exegetical argument, I found that this view was consistent with the rest of SCRIPTURE, without apologies to science. And the literalist position is also consistent with the Westminster Confession of Faith which states clearly and concisely, ". . . in the space of six days. . ." (Chap. IV, para. 1).


Pink on Dispensationalism

Early in his ministry, Arthur Pink held to a Dispensationalist/ Pre-mil view of eschatology & published a book about it. In his later years, he turned from this perspective & re-published the work with refutations of his own previous errors.

A few years back, a pro-Dispensational publisher re-printed the original work without mention of the retration. Ethics that match hermenuetics :-)

Here is a statement from Pink on Dispensationalism :

"But there is further reason, and a pressing one today, why we should write upon our present subject, and that is to expose the modern and pernicious error of Dispensationalism. This is a device of the Enemy, designed to rob the children of no small part of that bread which their heavenly Father has provided for their souls; a device wherein the wily serpent appears as an angel of light, feigning to "make the Bible a new book" by simplifying much in it which perplexes the spiritually unlearned. It is sad to see how widely successful the devil has been by means of this subtle innovation."

A Great Song for the King from the 1700’s

One of my favorite “old hymns”

Onward March, all-conquering Jesus,
Gird Thee on Thy mighty sword;
Sinful earth can ne’er oppose Thee;
Hell itself quails at Thy Word,
Thy great Name is so exalted,
Every foe shrinks back in fear;
Terror creeps through all creation,
When it knows that though art near.

2 Free my soul from sin’s foul bondage;
Hasten now that glorious dawn;
Break proud Babel’s gates in sunder;
Let the massive bolts be drawn.
Forth like ocean’s heaving surges,
Bring in myriads ransomed slaves,
Host on host, with shouts of triumph,
Endless, countless as the waves.

3 Even today I hear sweet music,
Praises of a blood-freed throng;
Full deliverance, glorious freedom,
Are the themes of endless song;
Whiter than the snow their raiment,
Victor palms they wave on high,
As they pass, with fullest glory,
Into life’s felicity.

4 How my raptured soul rejoices
That the jubilee is near;
Every word will be accomplished
Spoken by our Saviour here.
North and South, in countless myriads,
From earth’s darkest ends they come,
With the dance and gladsome music,
Into heaven’s eternal home.
-- William Williams 1717-1791

The Father and Family Worship

J.W. Alexander, a faithful Gospel minister who went to be with the Lord two years before Mr. Lincoln's War against the South began, speaks to fathers in this piece about family worship that is much more needful today than when it was written.

Thank the Lord for the faithful work of Mt Zion for making providing such a powerful witness of the real Gospel that great men of past centuries preached in a generation that prefers ear-tickling, seeker sensitivity, and a feel-good man centered "gospel".

If you are not a subscriber to Mt. Zion's excellent free quarterly The Free Grace Broadcaster or have never been blessed by any of their other Christ-centered free literature, I would urge you to check out their site & get added to their mailing list.

To whet your whistle, Alexander's "The Father & Family Worship" begins, below with the entire article linked :

The Father and Family Worship
J.W. Alexander (1804-1859)

THERE is no member of a household whose individual piety is of such importance to all the rest as the father or head. And there is no one whose soul is so directly influenced by the exercise of domestic worship. Where the head of a family is lukewarm or worldly, he will send the chill through the whole house. And if any happy exception occur, and one and another surpass him in faithfulness, it will be in spite of his evil example. He, who ought by his instructions and life, to afford a perpetual incitement1 to his inferiors and his juniors, is made to feel in case of such delinquency, that they must look elsewhere for guidance, even if they do not weep in secret places over his neglects. Where the head of the family is a man of faith, of affection, and of zeal, consecrating all his works and life to Christ, it is very rare to fin d all his household otherwise-minded. Now one of the chief means of promoting such individual graces in the head is this: his daily exercise of devotion with the members. It is more to him, than to others. It is he who presides and directs in it, who selects and delivers the precious Word, and who leads the common supplication, confession, and praise. To him, it is equal to an additional act of personal devotion in the day; but it is more. It is an act of devotion, in which his affection and duty to his house are particularly brought before his mind; and in which he stands in the place and pleads the cause, of all that he holds dearest upon earth. No one need wonder then, that we place family-prayer among the most important means of reviving and maintaining the piety of him who conducts it.

Observation shows that families which have no household worship are at a low ebb in spiritual things; that families where it is performed in a cold, sluggish, negligent, or hurried way, are little affected by it and little affected by any means of grace; and that families where God is worshipped, every morning and evening, by all the inmates of the house in a solemn and affectionate service are blessed with increase of piety and happiness. Every individual is blessed. Each one receives a portion of the heavenly food.

Half the defects and transgressions of our days arise from want2 of consideration.3 Hence the unspeakable value of an exercise, which twice every day calls each member of the household at least to think of God. Even the most careless or impious4 son, or servant, must now and then be forced to talk a little with conscience, and meditate a little on judgment, when the grey-haired father, bowed before God, with trembling voice pours out strong supplication and prayer. How much more mighty must be the influence on that larger number, who in ten thousand Christian families in the land are more or less impressed with the importance of divine things! And how peculiar and tender and forming must the same influence be, on those of the domestic group, who worship God in the spirit, and who often wipe the gushing tear, as they rise from their knees, and look around on husband, father, mother, brother, sister, child—all remembered in the same devotion, all clouded with the same incense of intercession!

Perhaps among our readers, more than one can say: “Times without number have I felt the influence of domestic worship on my own soul. When yet a child, no one means of grace, public or private, so awakened my attention, as when the children were prayed for day by day. In wayward youth, I was never so stung by conviction of my sin, as when my honored father earnestly besought God for our salvation. When at length in infinite mercy I first began to open the ear to instruction, no prayer so reached my heart, or so expressed my deep affections, as those which were uttered by my honored father. ”

The maintenance of domestic religion in every house is primarily entrusted to the head of the family, whoever this may be.
Read the Rest

Sunday, July 09, 2006

Abotion-like Worldview of Quiver-limiting Christians

Before we get into the fact that many millions of "pro-life" Christians kill their own children with so called "birth control" pills ( even the name implies an affront to God's Sovriegnty), I thougtht I'd throw this out.

About ten years ago a dear brother & co-labourer told me " God will never change the culture's view about abortion until the church changes it's view of children". It resonated with me.

I started doing a little experiment that I soon after discontinued because it was too discouraging. If you are active in pro-life work, you can try it now & probably get the same ( or worse) results.

If you talk to abortion bound Mothers at an American child-killing "clinc" on a Satuday, then go to an average, Conservative "Bible-believing". Evangelical church on Sunday and ask some of the parents ( including the pastor) there why they are limiting the size of their families and you will get frighteningly similar responses .

"I can't afford it" . . . "I want be able to do more for my other children" . . . "I'm not ready for a baby" . . . I, I , I . . . me, me, me . . . stuff, stuff, stuff . . .

This is generally true regardless of denominational or doctrinal bent . The so-called Calvininsts know that God is Sovreign in Salvation -- but often act as if He's not as Sovreign in the womb; preachers that preach faith & trusting in "God's promises" don't extend & apply this to the family; Charismatics & Penecostals search for "gifts" but don't want too many of the Lord's "rewards" ( the "fruit of the womb") . . . etc

This is not to say that there are never legitimate reasons for Christians to stop having children . . .
I know of three families who have been forced to stop having children for siginficant, life threatening situations. There are, I'm sure plenty of different reasons for not having children.

However, this should be the exception. We should look on smaller families in our churches as an oddity, not the other way around.

And I should make sure I include a warning against a sort of "how many children do you have?" legalism used to self-righteously judge our brothers and sisters
( We know a family that has two godly grown daughters -- and seven or eight miscarriages since; on the outside, people see a "normal" family, but God, who "looks at the heart" sees a family trusting Him faithfully ).

BUT, I think my friend was right -- " God will never change the culture's view about abortion until the church changes it's view of children"

We should re-double our efforts to tear down the Planned Parenthood worldview in our churches & Christian families.
May God grant us wisdom; His children discernment; Christian parents the abundant life that comes from dying to self and trusting God for our family size; and may He grant our age a great revival and reformation !

Malachi 4:6; Luke 1:17

A Young Believer's Heartcry through a Trial

This past spring, my dear wife had a major problem with her
pregnancy. Without going into any graphic details, she ended up spending 82
days in the hosiptal ( two hours away) & delivering our daughter Mercy five
weeks early -- leading to a week in NICU.
While I worked, my older children had the burden of caring for the
littler ones, keeping the household running smoothly & doing their
homeschooling -- all while worrying about their Mom & unborn sister. In the
last five years we have had a stillbirth, a miscarriage, and another near
miss, so their concerns were well founded.
My daughter Margie Ellen -- 14 -- wrote the peice below during this time
of trial, after listening to one of her favorite songs. She is allowing me
to share this with you. -- Leslie

Praising Him in this storm
by: Ellen Riley

When hard times come we, as Christians, tend to assume that God will just,
you know, end it immediately. That is, in a way, saying that God is not
all-powerful, the God who knows what is, what has been, and what is to come.
It is saying "Hey, when God realizes that I'm in this mess, He'll be down to
stop it all. He's been so busy lately: He must not have seen this coming. I
mean, I'm a good person; this is just some sort of mistake. But boy, I'm
just waiting. In a few days, He'll see this fix I'm in and get rid of it."
Now, I know that we don't mean to say that. And I don't mean we shouldn't
pray and ask God to Please, reach down. I don't mean that at all. But God
knows where we are, and it's exactly where He wants us to be. When you
pray, don't only ask that the storm be calmed: beg God to ride it out with
you, ask Him to give you grace if it is not within His perfect will to calm
the storm right now. And don't just pray at first. We must continue to pray
through out the storm, and throughout our lives. We shouldn't just say
"Okay, I prayed when it happened. What else could You expect God? I prayed
once, I'm done now." That sounds funny, doesn't it? What could POSSIBLY be
funny about that?! No, it is not funny at all. It is wrong. God wants our
'Lifesongs', our 'Lifeprayers'. He does not need our prayers to do His will.
Okay? He does not need us. He wants us. Our God is a compassionate God.

Even if the storms of life are still raging, He is with us. Even if it's
really loud as the rain falls, He is with us; He will hear the cries of His
people (Psalm 145:18-19). Even if we're so scared, even if we walk through
the valley of the shadow of death, He's with us, His mercy surrounds us.
Depth of Mercy can there be Mercy still reserved for me? YOU BET. His mercy
ABOUNDS. He loves us, and His mercy, in a very real way, falls on us. We can
feel it if we try. It's all around us.

Why would we not praise Him, in light of that? He does take away, but He
gives as well. Even if He allows the devil to take away our jobs, our moms,
our babies, even our lives, He has gifted the far greater gift of eternal
life, and He has promised in Proverbs 10:3 that He will "not suffer the soul
of the righteous to famish, and in II Corinthians 4:17 that He worketh His
children a more exceeding and eternal weight of glory. What are our sorrows
compared to His as He dies on the cross carrying all of our sins as if He,
sinless as He is, had committed them all and yet we will not give Him
praise. Listen. If we do not live lives that are completely to His glory,
than it should break our hearts. If you do not go through each day, striving
to be more like Jesus with every breath, then fall on your knees before the
Lord because you stand at His mercy always. I pray that my life will in the
future reflect what I have written here tonight. I stand at His mercy
always, and HE IS MERCIFUL. How then can we not praise Him in the calm
before the storm, and in this storm, and in the chaos following the storm?
He is my God, and I am His child. We should pray for strength to praise Him
no matter what, 'cause He is the same no matter what is going on in our
lives. He doesn't change: He changes us.

He knows when we weep. It's OK to cry. Go ahead. Even the toughest of the
tough cry inside, because we're all sin. With the fall (when we all became
sin) came the results of the fall. The results are not happy ones (sin,
death, pain.). Because of the results, because we sin, because of the fall,
we all weep. It is a hard road to perfection in Christ. We will cry.
Remember, Jesus wept as well. Still, He won't ever leave us. It is a hard
road as I have said, yet we do not travel alone nor will we be left without
a guide. He won't say "alright, that's it, you've used all your 'god-time'
for this week. I'm going home." God forbid.

All of our hearts are torn at some point: but Jesus came to heal our
wounds. We should continue to praise Him in this storm, because you know
what? Before God rescued us we didn't know which way to go. When the storms
of life came, we just sort of went in every which direction. We were lost,
lost. But He heard us, crying out for help; groaning, and travailing. He
granted us rest from our sorrows, He gave help to the helpless, and life to
sinners such as I. He pulls us up from the dust that was our former lives,
and takes us where He wants us to go. He loves us.

We cannot make it alone. Period. Without Him, we will never last this
storm. We will fall totally, and completely, down, down, down. If we don't
accept the gift He gives us (which is Eternal life through Jesus Christ our
only Lord and Savior), it's like saying that we want to die, and not just
once, but burn forever in hell. His gift is life. No man is truly convert if
he simply wishes to avoid hell. He would have the burning desire that is in
my heart, to be like my Savior my God. His gift is life. He wants our lives
to be lives of praise and adoration to our King, in the peaceful moments
when life seems so sweet, and in the storms. When it seems that we've lost
our way, and our directions have all been false, when the roads that we look
down are all dead ends, look up. We can see the way if we'll just look up to
Him! We cannot carry on without Him. But He is with all who are His. He
loves us. He is with us.

Our help comes from the All-mighty, All-holy, All-powerful Lord, which made
Heaven and earth. He will not suffer the soul of the righteous to famish.


Saturday, July 08, 2006

Speaking in South Mississippi Aug. 11

I will be speaking to the Simpson County, Mississippi League of the South Chapter in Mendenhall on Friday August 11.

My topic -- tentatively -- will be "Is This a Nation Worth Saving ?"

The Simpson County League of the South meets at the offices of Thomas R. Floyd Mason Contractors on Hwy 49. Call Thomas for more info. (601)-847-0350

Y'all come !


**( If I ever can get the time, I'll be adding an events page for stuff like this)
For those of you in or near South Mississippi, my friend, compatriot, & occasional nemisis Carl Ford is hosting his annual Confederate Heratige Conference in Laurel Labor Day weekend. From the looks of things, this should be the best yet.

Information & Carl's contact info is below.


You are invited to attend the

Sponsored by the politically incorrect SCV Camp 227

September 1 & 2, 2006

at the Ramada Inn, Laurel, MS.


Ronnie Kennedy,

(the handsome one)

Pastor Gene Case

Dr Cary Kimbrell

Al Benson, publisher of Copperhead Chronicles

Bro. (Now Dr.) John Killian (3 time winner of MOSB Oratory contest)


The Bossy Little Scot, Carl Peterson


with IN YOUR FACE speakers;

Saturday Night CONFEDERATE CEILDHI (Scottish Party); Armed Confederates and Armed

Scotsmen will POST THE COLORS and the ladies are invited to wear your period dresses.

(Plain ole casual dress is fine for all the events)

Friday night supper is on your own, and the speaking will begin at 7 PM with doors open at 6PM to visit our vendors and with each other. (This IS the Confederate family reunion!) Saturday, we’ll start at 8 AM and go till we can’t.

We’ll have our usual great vendors, plus a few new ones.–and DOOR PRIZES- maybe a calendar!

The good news is we are returning to the Ramada ( which is under new management,) so all activities will be under one air conditioned roof during a Mississippi summer weekend!

The bad news is due to inflation, we’re having to raise prices both for registration and for the Saturday meals. We are still charging only our cost for the meals, which has gone up $5.00 apiece making them $15.00 per person for dinner (Cannonball’s granddaughter Christy–that’s at noon!) and $20.00 per person for supper.

To pay for the increased cost of meals for our speakers, (they’re all big eaters) we are raising the prices for registration.

Registration will now be $25.00 per family and $15.00 for individuals. However there is a discount for those who are eating with us. If at least 2 people eat a meal, registration will drop back to the usual $15.00 per family. If an individual eats a meal with us, registration will drop back to the usual $10.00. AND, remember, you get the whole Confederate Ceilidh (kay-lee=big whooping party) with your supper price! We have to guarantee at least 50 meals each for dinner and supper in order to get our meeting rooms, so help us out so we can keep the Conference going.

Also, you HAVE to let us know about how many are eating which meals by August 16 so we can tell the Ramada, and George and Nancy won’t be having hissys.

Sleeping rooms will be blocked until August 16, 2006 at a bargain rate of $65.00, plus tax. Call 601-649-9100 for room reservations. Be sure to mention you are with the Southern Heritage Conference when you make your room reservations so you can get that price.

For more information contact Carl D. Ford, P O , Box 52, Laurel, MS 39441-0052.

Phone: 601-649-1867, Fax: 601-428-4478, Cell 601-319-7027, Home between 6 PM and 9 PM, 601-426-2041 or e-mail

Thursday, July 06, 2006

A good definition of Legalism

Recently, in commenting on a post a good friend of mine gave his definition of "legalism", so I thought I would post one of my favorites I've ever read here.

John Robbins of the Trinity Foundation -- in an essay called The Gospel of Jesus Christ versus Neolegalism -- offers this helpful explanation of the term :

"Legalism and Man-made Law

One common misunderstanding of legalism is that one is a legalist only if one tries to obey, or insists that others obey, man-made laws. In this way of thinking, one cannot be a legalist if one is concerned exclusively about obeying God’s law. The primary example of legalism, one correspondent told me, is the Pharisees, who by their traditions had made void the laws of God. Now, to be sure, no one denies that the Pharisees were legalists. But my correspondent does not understand what made the Pharisees legalists. They were not legalists because they added to the law of God, but because they thought that by law-keeping they could obtain salvation. Compare them with the Judaizers who were corrupting the church in Galatia. The Judaizers did not invent laws for Christians to keep, as the Pharisees invented laws for the Jews to keep; they merely insisted that Christians keep laws that God himself had imposed. The Judaizers earned the curse of Paul in his letter to the churches in Galatia, just as the Pharisees earned the curse of Jesus in Matthew 23. The Judaizers were legalists, too.

Legalism and Keeping God’s Law

Another misunderstanding asserts that legalism is a concern for keeping God’s law. This is also a very popular misunderstanding of legalism, and it frequently leads to accusing anyone with scruples about obeying God’s law of being a legalist. So if one refuses to work, to shop, or to play sports on Sunday, he is accused of being a legalist. But scrupulosity about God’s law is not necessarily legalism; what makes keeping God’s law legalistic is the wrong motive for keeping the law. If one is scrupulous about obeying God’s law because one hopes, or intends, or desires, by keeping his law, to obtain or retain one’s salvation, then he is a legalist, and lost. But if one tries to keep his law, not in order to be saved at the final judgment, but because he is already saved and is grateful for his salvation, then he is not a legalist, but a Christian.

What Is Legalism?

Legalism is the notion that a sinner can, by his own efforts, or by the power of the Holy Spirit in his life, do some work to obtain or retain his salvation. Some legalists think man has free will and can perform good works if he just sets his mind to it, thereby obtaining the favor of God. This type of legalist thinks that a sinner can believe the Gospel on his own steam. Other legalists think that a sinner does not have free will, that any good he does is done by the power of the Holy Spirit dwelling in him, and it is these good deeds done by the power of the Holy Spirit that obtain or help obtain, retain or help retain, his salvation. Both types of legalists, but espe-cially the latter, may acknowledge that Christ’s work of obedience is necessary for salvation, but both deny that Christ’s work is sufficient for salvation. Both types of legalists assert that to Christ’s work must be added the works of the sinner, done either under his own steam, or by the power of the Holy Spirit. That is what makes them legalists: their shared belief in the incompleteness or insufficiency of the work of Christ outside of them. They may differ on what constitutes good works; they may differ on whether only God’s law or church law as well is to be obeyed; but they agree that the work of Christ alone is insufficient for their final salvation.

Monday, July 03, 2006

Missouri Small Farms Center

"I think our governments will remain virtuous for many centuries as long as they are chiefly agricultural; and this will be as long as there shall be vacant lands in any part of America. When they get piled upon one another in large cities as in Europe, they will become corrupt as in Europe." --Thomas Jefferson to James Madison, 1787. Papers 12:442

While I generally avoid promoting any government boondoggle, I'm going to make a slight exception here.

If any of you are interested in Agrarianism or simplifying your lifestyle by starting a home business/ farming enterprise on a small scale, check out this site for a wealth of practical ideas & information Missouri Alternatives Center

Particularly helpful is there alphabetical listing of small farm enterprises with various articles on each ( here). There are several hundred headings & each with practical information. The site brags "On these links you will be able to find information on everything you want to raise or grow -- from Asparagus to Watermelons, and Aquaculture to Worms!" and they do not exagerrate.


"No race can prosper until it learns there is as much dignity in tilling a field as in writing a poem."
- Booker T. Washington

Sunday, July 02, 2006

The Aborted States of America

"One death is a tragedy; one million deaths is a statistic" -- Joe Stalin
"I don't think America is ready for a ban on abortion" -- George W. Bush

"God Bless America" -- Sung by U.S. Congress 09/11/01
"Though you make many prayers,I will hide My face from you. Your hands are full of blood" Is. 1


The map above has 17 states blacked out. The population of these states is equal to the 42,000,000+ reported "legal" surgical abortions since 1973. Perhaps this visual perspective helps one to grasp the number of people that are gone, dead—robbed of their God given, constitutional rights to life and liberty.

Each time a person is aborted and robbed of their rights; our rights and very lives become less secure. How many more innocent people will have to suffer horrible painful deaths before the nation accepts the truth that with abortion, we are destroying our country and our future.

Vaccines & Autism

My Friend Paul Dorr of Iowa sent this to me :

Friends of RTP,

Now it is coming from a Wake Forest School of Medicine researcher - a powerful link lies between the MMR childhood vaccination and such children getting autism. I trust you and yours stopped long ago getting most of these vaccinations. Plus, the original cell culture which has been replicated ever since, comes from aborted baby tissue.

US scientists back autism link to MMR

The London Telegraph
By Beezy Marsh and Sally Beck
(Filed: 28/05/2006)

The measles virus has been found in the guts of children with a form of autism, renewing fears over the safety of the MMR jab.

American researchers have revealed that 85 per cent of samples taken from autistic children with bowel disorders contain the virus. The strain is the same as the one used in the measles, mumps and rubella triple vaccine.

The findings will spark fresh concern about MMR, because they back theories of a causal link between the jab, autism and painful gut disorders suffered by a number of autistic children.

Modesty & Men

Often when the issue of Christian modesty is discussed, the main area of focus is on our wives/ daughters. Talk about modest dress & the mental picture is conjured of ladies & girls in long dresses & skirts. This is appropriate, because:
a) Our culture has convinced women & girls that they have to dress and act like whores to the point that the daughters of Zion often wear less to church than they could have legally worn to a bar fifty years ago.
b) Men are often tempted visually, and are assaulted in modern America with a 24-7 barrage of sensual images.

We desperately need to teach our wives and daughters to dress & act modestly.

However, the need for men to be modest & Christ honoring in our dress & behavior is often neglected. It is common to see men who would never dream of letting their women-folk out in a mini-skirt walk around in short britches. Or men who have godly standards for their wives working ourside or going out in public shirtless or in sleeveless shirts.

What are your thoughts Brethren ? Is this a double standard or am I being a legalist ? Since women are not generally as visually tempted as men, are lower standards OK ? What do you consider appropriate in this area ?

Thoughts ?
Leslie Riley

Fanatics & their Causes

From a letter to a friend :

Dear _____________

You mentioned a concern about fanaticism. This may well be a valid concern. I'm sure this is one of _____'s concern.

However, I will take exception to this. "Fanaticism" is an abstract concept therefore we cannot condemn or affirm it without some qualifiers.

Should we be "fanatacal" about the greatness of our favorite college football team ? Obiously not. Should we be fanatical about the greatness of Christ ? No one can possibly be "fanatical" enough.
Should we be fanatical about experimenting on animals, eating meat, or wearing fur ? I think not, because it doesn't violate God's Law.
What if, instead, the issue was experimenting on the kids at the local day care, eating human flesh, and "recycling" leftovers from the local morgue ? This would be so repugnant and wicked that we would be cowards if we weren't "fanatical" about stopping it.
Were the fanatical abolitionists wrong about their views on abolishing all forms of slavery immediately ? I think they were, again, because it doesn't violate God's Law.
Was the fanatical Virginia legislature wrong for outlawing the slave trade because of the violations of God's condemnation of man stealing and excesses by the New Englanders ? I think they were correct.

Roy McMillan and I were talking about this one day & he made a statement that I think is very interesting, if not profound.
Roy said, "There aren't any statues built to great moderates in history."

You and I have often noted that men like John Adams, Rushdoony, and Robert Welch all made statements about history not being determined by majorties, but by dedicated minorites with a plan/ cause/ etc
These minorites were made up of ( or at least begun by) fanatics fighting a hopeless cause.

Let us consider some people who could be called fanatics & their moderate counterparts:

Republicans are reasonable moderates - Constitutionalists & Libertarians are fanatics.
The SCV is moderate & reasonable -- the League of the South is fanatical
National Right to LIfe is moderate -- Operation Rescue is fanatical.

Looking further back, let us consider fanatics ( some of which were evil & stood for evil causes):
Joe Stalin was a murderous fanatic that brought us Communism.
Joe McCarthy was called a fanatic due to his uncompromising stands against Communism.
Reasonable moderates perpetuated Communism and condemned McCarthy's "fanaticism" while ignoring Stalin's.

John Brown was a murderos fanatic who's zeal for an unbiblical cause and messianic visions led to many deaths.
Some of Stonewall Jackson's men considered him a fanatic because of his zeal for the Biblical Messiah and whose devotion to duty and Cause led to his own death.

Radical Republicans in the North during the 1850's, 60's and 70's were dangerous fanatics.
Radical Secessionists in the South during the 1850's & 60's and those who began the Klan to fight Reconstruction abuses were also fanatics.

Charles Finney was a fanatic.
But, so were Whitfield, Wesley & Edwards in many people's minds then & now.

The Radicals who led the French Revolution were murderous, fanatical god-haters. They ultimately devoured themselves in their zealous fanatcism against the abuses of the Elites in the Catholic/ Nobility establishment. ( and incidently it was fanatical, valliant Catholic Vendeans who stood against them; and racical, fanatic Catholic butchers who had slaugthered fanatical Huegenots a century before).
The Founding Fathers of the American Republic were certainly considered fanatical by many in their time.
Reasonable moderates in England opposed the fanatics in Frace & the American colonies.

The Pilgrams, Puritans, & practically every true missionary that ever lived could be qualified, based on some definitions as fanatics.
Luther, Knox, and Calvin would meet some critereon of fanaticism.
Martyrs who were tortured to death for what they believed have often been "fanatics".

Muslim Jihadists and Hindus that set theirselves on fire are fanatics.
Early Mormons and many cultist who have been persecuted and even given their lives for a lie have all been fanatics.
Millions of soldiers have died throuh the ages because they fanatically belived they were defending their homes or fighting for something they believed to be true/ righteous. The vast majority of them were killed fighting for tyrants and leaders who lusted for power/ money.

John the Baptist was a fanatic.
Elijah was a fanatic.
And Jesus Christ was/ is certainly a fanatic. So fanatical in fact that He refuses to share His glory with anyone and will ultimately grind into powder all those who oppose Him.

Many fanatics we should correct and condemn. Others, we should probably seek to emulate.
Moderates and Radicals
by Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr.
In all times of state dominance, the instability of the system gives rise to two types of reformers: the moderates who want to work within the system but end up defending it, and the radicals who have the clarity to see that the only real solution is upheaval. If the latter prevail – and they often have in the history of politics – it is only after having endured the slings and arrows of the former.

The history of liberty is strewn with heroes who courageously championed radical reform, but in every case I can recall, these same people were traduced and reviled not only by the regime, but also by the moderate reformers, who always claimed to be working within the system. The moderates say that their efforts are being frustrated by the voices of the radicals, who are said to discredit the cause they purport to support. . . . Read the rest of this article here

Saturday, July 01, 2006

Great Men Speak about Gardening

Thomas Jefferson's Vegtable Garden

An old friend used to tell some of the men in his church -- where they are very anxious to delve deeper and deeper into theological, philosphical and historical topics -- moving from one to another as quickly as possible -- that they needed a "little less book and a little more hook". What he means is that rather than trying to get as much information as possible & read as many books as possible, they would be better served to read a book, then go sit on a creek bank and "wet a hook" ( fish) and contemplate what they had read before moving on.

I believe the same could be said, even more strongly about getting your fingernails dirty. Consider that many of the great men/ minds of the past, who have contributed so much to the body of knowledge we now have did not have a fraction of the information that we all have available to us now. They probably never saw, nor could they imagine, in their lifetimes the number of books we can obtain with ease (much less the immeasurable volume of information available electronically). . . yet they had something we sorely lack -- a slow and quiet enough lifestyle to THINK ( " Be STILL and know that I am God."; " Come, let us reason together, saith the Lord" etc.). Let us put our hands in the dirt and set our minds & hearts on contemplating the Glory of our great Creator and Redeemer.

In hopes of getting some of y'all out into your gardens, yards, patios, vacant lots or window boxes, I ask you to consider where our original Patriarch ( Adam) was placed and what work he was given to do -- the pefect enviorment and the ideal work .
Also, for your contemplation consider what some great men of the past and present have said about the garden :

"When all is said and done, is there any more wonderful sight, any moment when man's reason is nearer to some sort of contact with the nature of the world than the sowing of seeds, the planting of cuttings, the transplanting of shrubs
or the grafting of slips."
- St. Augustine

"No race can prosper until it learns there is as much dignity in tilling a field as in writing a poem."
- Booker T. Washington

"Nothing is more the child of art than a garden."
-Sir Walter Scott 1828

"There is not a sprig of grass that shoots uninteresting to me." - Thomas Jefferson, 1790

"No occupation is so delightful to me as the culture of the earth, no culture comparable to that of the garden ...
But though an old man, I am but a young gardener. "
- Thomas Jefferson, Garden Book, 1811

"Agriculture... is the first in utility, and ought to be the first in respect." --Thomas Jefferson to David Williams, 1803. ME 10:429

"I think our governments will remain virtuous for many centuries as long as they are chiefly agricultural; and this will be as long as there shall be vacant lands in any part of America. When they get piled upon one another in large cities as in Europe, they will become corrupt as in Europe." --Thomas Jefferson to James Madison, 1787. Papers 12:442

"What this country needs is dirtier fingernails
and cleaner minds."
- Will Rogers

"There can be no other occupation like gardening in which, if you were to creep up behind someone at their work, you would find them smiling."
- Mirabel Osler ( I know this is not a "great man" -- but it's a pretty good quote anyway)

"If you grow a garden you are going to shed some sweat,
and you are going to spend some time bent over; you will
experience some aches and pains. But it is in the willingness to accept this discomfort that we strike the most telling blow against the power plants and what they represent."
- Wendell Berry

"One of the most important resources that a garden makes
available for use, is the gardener's own body. A garden
gives the body the dignity of working in its own support.
It is a way of rejoining the human race. "
- Wendell Berry

More Later,
P. Leslie Riley, Jr.

Alternative Ag Moralist ??

I have been an "Agrarian" -- philosophically & practically since long before I ever heard the word. (more on this in my next message). In addition to living as an Agrarian for almost my whole life -- and having an Agrarian philosophy before I ever heard of "I'll Take my Stand" or other such literature -- I have drunk deeply from the writings & wisdom of Agrarians past and present for over ten years.

I earnestly believe that the Christian Agrarian Movement is one of the bright spots in our dimming hopes of restoring our once great/ godly civilisation.

However, I have some serious concerns about the so-called "Agrarian Movement". I have voiced these concerns privately to a few folks and even had a good series of correspondences with a some Agrarian friends five years ago. Later, I will write -- God willing -- a series of six or seven articles/ open letters to you folks laying out these concerns and hoping to help us chart a course and avoid what I see as poison to the movement, our families, and our culture.

Below, for sake of introduction, is an article that prompted me to go ahead and get this going. I am on the mailing list of several "Agrarian", "Alternative Agriculture", and Conventional Ag groups. For several years I have been receiving a pretty good e-mail newsletter from "The New Farm". This is a work of the Rodale Institute, publishers of Organic Gardening & Prevention magazines and pioneers in organic agriculture.

This article, "Pro Choice AND Pro Life" was in a recent mailing. It is the text of a speech given to an "Eco Farm" Conference recently. In it, we are lectured about the dangers of evil farm chemicals by a murderous whore who openly brags about hiring a "doctor" to have her own unborn child tortured to death. She says that she and "every woman in her family" had done the same. After this, she decries the hypocrisy of an uncle who has the nerve to be a pro-life activist then use pesticides. This child-murdering whore -- totally devoid of natural affection ( Romans 1) --then proceeds to moralize to her audience about using pesticides.

I will expand upon this in an upcoming entry, but there are several things that we who are Christian Agrarians need to take pause over, among them: why would we be listening to anything a child murderer had to say about the dangers of pesticides to children ? who are we aligning ourselves with/ who are we trusting ?

The reason I ask this is I often hear/ read things my Agrarian friends/ compatriots say & write about "corporate ag", "factory farming", pesticides, contract/ confinement livestock production and the like that sounds like it came straight from the Mother Earth News & PETA.

I know and have seen first hand the rotten fruit of corporate/government agriculture & despise what it has wrought. I & my family have been personally effected. However, I think we have to be careful accepting the criticism & solutions of those who in word & deed hate our God & everything we stand for.

For more on this, also read Al Cronkrite's excellent commentary "The Company We Keep"

More to come. Let me know if you know anyone else who would be interested -- or if you're not. As always, your comments are welcome.

P. Leslie Riley, Jr

Egypt, Mississippi


Pro-choice AND pro-life

Eco-Farm Keynote, Part 2: There's strong evidence, says ecologist and writer Sandra Steingraber, that agricultural chemicals cause miscarriages and deformities, contaminate breast milk, dirupt vulnerable stages of life like adolescence, and are the source of problems in old age--such as Parkinson's disease.

An address by Sandra Steingraber
Posted October 13, 2005

I have found personally--growing up in a very conservative part of the Midwest--that there’s a lot of traction in talking about miscarriage and pregnancy loss from agricultural chemicals with farming communities, because many of them are very pro-life. In fact my uncle, who’s a farmer in Illinois, and members of his family actually do what they call clinic defense, where they go to abortion clinics and try to prevent women from having abortions.

Now, I couldn’t be more on the opposite side of the fence than that, so here’s what I say when I talk to farming communities. I lay out the fact that I’m very pro-choice, that I've had an abortion myself and so has every woman in my family for reasons you might think are good or not, but if we’re interested in fetal protection we need to ask ourselves more than who’s walking into a Planned Parenthood clinic to end their pregnancy.

We need to be asking what farm chemicals are in the drinking water--which farmers may be responsible for putting in there--that are ending pregnancies that may be very much desired by women. Having undergone two miscarriages myself, I would be hard-pressed to say whether pregnancy loss through miscarriage or pregnancy loss through abortion is the more painful outcome. But right-to-life needs to be expanded to take a look at some of our farm policies.

(Full Article Here)
Our Lecturer -- sermonizing about pesticides -- makes a nonchalant reference to doing this to her child --Les

Headcoverings history, & Cultural Meltdown

I DO NOT MAKE THIS A TEST OF FELLOWSHIP AND RARELY DISCUSS IT, ( so please don't accuse me of being a legalist or take this any way except at face value), but when you get time, I'd be very interested in your thoughts on the following.

About two and a half years ago I sent this to the folks on my mailing list -- generally a very opinionated and contentious bunch -- and I got very few replies and no one answered the direct question I began the discussion with : "Can any of you who do not ( or anyone who does) believe in a "literal" interpretation of I Cor 11 name one significant, conservative, Bible commentator prior to 1800 who espoused the theory that the headcovering was hair ? or something to be taken as "symbolic only" ? or a cultural thing that applied only to this time/ situation ?"

Please Read ( or at least skim) and give me your thoughts :

- Leslie Riley


Dear All,
Scripture, not history, must be our final judge. However, it is interesting to note how great the volume of "witnesses" is that believed in a interpretation on I Cor. 11 that required women to wear a literal covering in public worship. ( PLEASE read the forwarded article below -- Chapter five from "Headcoverings in Scripture" that gives a MASSIVE list of quotes from Bible commentators -- from the ancient Irenaeus to the modern R.C. Sproul ; all of whom view the headcovering as something literal ).

Can any of you who do not ( or anyone who does) believe in a "literal" interpretation of I Cor 11 name one significant, conservative, Bible commentator prior to 1800 who espoused the theory that the headcovering was hair ? or something to be taken as "symbolic only" ? or a cultural thing that applied only to this time/ situation ?

Many of you may be asking why I care or why this matters ( in light of all the "real issues" out there) ? Or if this is merely theological hair-splitting?

If, prior to the 1900's Bible-believing Christian churches all practiced the wearing of a headcovering by women for public worship and now almost none do -- the obvious question becomes what changed ?

I think it is interesting to consider a few other things that happened in the 1800's & early 1900's in the church and culture and the results . . . in the broad culture ( among other things) the rise of feminism; of communism/ socialism/ statism; the spread of "public" ( i.e. government) education -- by and large led by open socialists and communist with the openly stated goal of negating the influence of the family and the church upon children so they could be prepared to more readily accept communism/ socialism; the widespread, gradual - then rapid breakdown in Biblical standards of morality, Christian modesty and traditional social/ cultural standards in favor of "if it feels good do it"; the near universal ( even among professing Christians) acceptance of evolutionary foolishness; the mass of women entering the workplace in search of mammon -- along with children being left "unto themselves" ( or placed in the hands of no-telling-who to raise, shape, train, and possibly exploit them); the worship of youth culture and the whole idea that "teenage rebellion" was acceptable -- even expected; the removal of families, particularly fathers from the selection of spouses in favor of the innovation of "dating" . . . . the list goes on ad nausem

Then briefly consider theological and practical trends in the professing Evangelical church that have come along at the same time -- Dispensationalism; "higher criticism"/ theological liberalism; the "social gospel"; revivalism and "Finney -anism"; Unitarianism, Transcendentalism, and Abolitionism; less condemnation of real sin and more making up sins to condemn; the acceptance of psychology and "self-esteem" views; "progressive creationism"; the rise of youth ministry, children's ministry, graded Sunday School and an almost limitless spread of extra-biblical church "programs" that split the family up and seek to entertain rather than edify; a complete reversal of the role of women -- the removal of the headcovering, the redefining or ignoring of "keepers at home" ( Titus 2) so more potential tithers can enter the workforce, the gradual moving of women into leadership and teaching positions ( even to the point of having women co-pastors or associate pastors); the rise of the church growth movement, "seeker friendly" churches and a desire to meet people's "felt needs"; less biblical exposition and more flesh-feeding entertainment; . . . again, the list goes on ad nausem

Finally, examine what has happened in Western "Christian" culture in the last 150 or so years . . . ( do I really need to recount this?)

Am I claiming that women putting a piece of cloth on their head for worship will make any difference in the course of world events -- yes, I am. . . if you disagree or you would like me to prove this claim please respond . . I'd love to hear some comments on this one

Your Obedient Servant,
Leslie Riley


Headcoverings in Scripture
by Greg Price
Chapter Five: What Does Church History Teach?

(Full Article Here)

Was Bannning DDT Racist Inspired Genocide ???

Organic Food for Thought

----- Original Message -----
From: Daniel New
Sent: Saturday, July 01, 2006 8:54 AM
Subject: Fwd: Is Banning DDT Racist Inspired Genocide?

There's probably a movie to be made here. The
story of how the Environmental Movement is
responsible for the deaths of more people than
Hitler, Stalin and Mao combined. Children should
know this stuff, to counter what they are taught
in both government and private schools.

Our Own Silent Spring
by Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr.

Let there be no doubt that the war on malaria has failed. It is estimated that 800,000 children in Africa die from the disease every year, and as many as three million people altogether every year.

We know how people contract it: from mosquitoes. We know how to control it: kill the carrier mosquitoes. And we know what kills them: DDT.

So why has the war on malaria failed? Because governments banned the cure. Now they claim to wonder why people are sick and dying.

(Full Article Here)