Modesty & Men
Often when the issue of Christian modesty is discussed, the main area of focus is on our wives/ daughters. Talk about modest dress & the mental picture is conjured of ladies & girls in long dresses & skirts. This is appropriate, because:
a) Our culture has convinced women & girls that they have to dress and act like whores to the point that the daughters of Zion often wear less to church than they could have legally worn to a bar fifty years ago.
b) Men are often tempted visually, and are assaulted in modern America with a 24-7 barrage of sensual images.
We desperately need to teach our wives and daughters to dress & act modestly.
However, the need for men to be modest & Christ honoring in our dress & behavior is often neglected. It is common to see men who would never dream of letting their women-folk out in a mini-skirt walk around in short britches. Or men who have godly standards for their wives working ourside or going out in public shirtless or in sleeveless shirts.
What are your thoughts Brethren ? Is this a double standard or am I being a legalist ? Since women are not generally as visually tempted as men, are lower standards OK ? What do you consider appropriate in this area ?
Thoughts ?
Leslie Riley
As you probably know by virture of the fact that we have know each other for several years now, I do not completely share your same views on dress.
I will not go so far as to say you are being a legalist. One is only a legalist when they make mans law the same as God's law and insist that others abide by it.
To me the issue of modesty, and in this case pertaining to men, is one of christian liberty. Obviously I am not advocating no boundries whatsoever,that should come with common sense.
I think we should have our own standars for our own families and let the chips fall where they may. When the people of God focus on Christ and serving one another I think these type of issues will work themselves out.
Trey McCoy
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Anonymous |
11:08 AM