Flags & Kingship
I was on my way to Memphis the other day & I passed a large Assembly of God Church on Hwy 78. I saw something out front that I have been seeing in front church buildings of several different denominations for years and it still drives me absolutely crazy. Just so I'm not picking on the Assembly of God folks, the first time I saw this, it was on First Baptist of Batesville, Mississippi, and can be seen at church buildings across America. The scene in question, in my view symbolizes either at best a sinful ignorance or at worst an idolatrous treason...
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Several years ago I wrote a letter to 131 churches in the Lewiston Idaho area, outlining the very things you illustrated here, right down to using the phrase "trading our birthright for a mess of pottage".
Can you guess how many responses I received? Two, and both pastors agreed completely.
Virtually every "church" I have attended in the last ten years has bowed it's knee to the secular government. It's evidenced by the flying of the American flag within the Church, and confirmed by the rhetorical robotic worship of a man as president, who is anything but a Christian.
The Church owes it's allegiance to Christ and Christ alone. I've often said that I'd rather be labeled a traitor to my country than proved a traitor to God.
I belong to the Constitution Party of Idaho and the Mormons and one "evangelical" pastor here believe that the Party "is our only chance to save America". This idol worship has caused them to substitute pragmatism for principle, putting party unity over the murder of the innocent.
There is a blind allegiance to political entities, whether a party or individual that has become so rampant within the Church which ought to cause us to shudder in shame.
The only hope for America is for us as a Nation to repent and return to God.
Judging by the response to my letter, I don't think that will be happening anytime soon.
That is unless, we have another attack.Maybe.
Posted by
Anonymous |
8:45 PM
Great post
Posted by
Anonymous |
8:49 PM
Good column, I just posted one by Lew Rockwell on my site
Posted by
John Chance |
12:17 PM
Right on Bro.
Posted by
Anonymous |
10:03 AM