Farmers applaud Failure of Trade Talks
GENEVA (AFP) - Farmers around the world have applauded the failure of free-trade talks despite a warning from World Trade Organisation chief Pascal Lamy that everyone is a loser.
"The time has come, not to say that it's a failure today, but to say that it's an opportunity -- for farmers, fishing communities or developing countries -- to have real public debate about food sovereignty," said Jose Bove, a French farmer and one of the standard bearers of the anti-Doha movement in recent years. . . .
In the United States, home to huge rolling farms, National Farmers Union President Tom Buis said: "From the US agriculture producer perspective, there was great fear that the trade round would severely tie the hands of the US government as it attempts to address the challenges facing rural America . . .
This is an old story ( linked below), but well worth reviving .
We would probably have a number of significant disagreements with some of these folks on the role of government, private property, and various other issues
BUT this is good news
While one would hope that we would see more of a move towards prosperous free market farming like Australia & New Zealand ( as well as Brazil & Argentina)
The governments of Australia and New Zealand, leading members of the 18-member Cairns Group of agricultural exporters, were lone voices of disappointment in the global farming community.
"It is very, very important to our agriculture industries and our manufacturing industries to get better access to the markets of the world and this is going to slow that process down," said Australian Trade Minister Mark Vaile.
It is good to see the New World Order agenda slowed & frustrated (especially by yokels & peasants that many of these would be rulers in Brussells & New York sneer at)
Agriculture was at the core of the failure of the trade talks, as the EU, the United States and emerging nations accused each other for intransigeance.
And PRAISE GOD for this :
"Ministers were speaking to their respective galleries, but not to each other," said Jean-Pierre Lehmann, head of the Evian Group thinktank on world trade.
"It was abundantly clear that the sense of a global community required to provide the cement to the global market was absent, and is absent," he added.
One of the underlying trends in both on the American scene & in international geo-politics is the growing rift between rural/ small town & urban/ suburban interests.
The Red-Blue politcal maps that everyone keeps shoving in our faces is just the tip of the iceberg ( and it will begin to fissure more as more folks in flyover country realize that the Bush crowd just want them for votes, money & cannon fodder).
The limosine liberals ultimately want to empty the countryside and turn the Great Plains into a big buffalo park. ( sort of like Stalin).
So called conservatives see God's creation as nothing but "resources" and rural/ small town people as nothing but "cheap labor" to build make their brick-a-brack; consumers to fuel their "global economy" at Wal Mart; and "brave men & women" to fight their wars.
By and large our local customs & slow-paced lifestyles are seen as backwards.
Sadly, many well-meaning folks who want to help their communities play right into the hands of the "progressives" who want to turn their small towns into McTowns.
Ultimately, the way the elitists deal with the threat of an awakening among the "sheeple" in the countryside who just want to be left alone is to do what Marxist do best :
"Divide & Conquer"
They set the "big farmers" against the "small farmers". Organic vs conventional. Hunters against producers. Enviormentalists vs those who live on the land.
It works quite well . . .
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