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Amnesty Advocates - The New Slave Traders ?

Good piece from the Georgia Heritage Foundation


The New Slave Traders
– Commentary by Steve Scroggins

What do modern politicians have in common with New England shipping magnates of the 17th and 18th centuries? Both are willing to exploit people and enable other exploiters for their own personal gain regardless of the impact and consequences to their society and culture. The New England shipping magnates learned from their British cousins that trafficking in human cargo was very lucrative, in fact, enormous fortunes were made by the New England slave traders. More on this later.

Likewise, many 21st century politicians use their power and influence to thwart and discourage enforcement of U.S. immigration laws in order to gain a cheap labor source for the purpose of enriching their patrons and supporters who in turn give the politicians money which they use to hold onto power.

Thus, the New 21st Century Slave Traders are all American Presidents since 1986 in collusion with the U.S. Congress who have used various political tricks including budget deprivation, executive orders, ineffective rules of engagement and regulatory ham-stringing in order to thwart and render ineffective efforts to enforce U.S. immigration laws.

Terence P. Jeffrey's column entitled, "Yes, Immigration Is About Culture," once again hammered home for me the idea that selfish elitists seek to line their pockets at any cost (to others), and they could care less about the destruction it wreaks on America.

Jeffrey concludes his essay with the following observation...

Balkanization, fostered by the multiculturalist mindset, is a threat to American culture, but there is a greater threat behind the current drive to amnesty all illegal aliens and maintain a flow of new, exploitable, unskilled foreign laborers.

This is the ideology that wants to write into law -- in this nation founded on the principle that God created all men equal -- that there shall be a resident subclass of laborers constrained by government to work for wages so low no American would accept them. This ideology is a form of materialism that puts the pursuit of profit above all else. It is the inordinate love of money.

It would dissolve what is best about America in a culture of greed.

In others words, these New Slave Traders are importing new slaves to enhance their patron's bottom lines, and if that hurts American middle class workers, or undermines American security, creates social chaos...well, tough toenails. They don't care as long as they can throw out a smokescreen of lies to cover their complicity (fool the voters). Somehow or other, they manage to justify it in their own minds...or perhaps some are sociopaths without conscience.

Let's review the opposing forces in this moral struggle. These New 21st Century Slave Traders want to, in effect, legalize past illegal immigration with "amnesty" which will encourage more illegal immigration in the future...the proposed amnesty plan prevents the forced deportation or arrest of the criminal illegals but makes it highly unlikely the immigrants will jump through the hoops and pay the fines to become legal citizens....thus, they become the permanent non-citizen underclass. The Republican Slave Traders want to supply the cheap labor slaves to keep their financial backers happy, but would prefer those slaves didn't vote. More on this later

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