Abotion-like Worldview of Quiver-limiting Christians
Before we get into the fact that many millions of "pro-life" Christians kill their own children with so called "birth control" pills ( even the name implies an affront to God's Sovriegnty), I thougtht I'd throw this out.
About ten years ago a dear brother & co-labourer told me " God will never change the culture's view about abortion until the church changes it's view of children". It resonated with me.
I started doing a little experiment that I soon after discontinued because it was too discouraging. If you are active in pro-life work, you can try it now & probably get the same ( or worse) results.
If you talk to abortion bound Mothers at an American child-killing "clinc" on a Satuday, then go to an average, Conservative "Bible-believing". Evangelical church on Sunday and ask some of the parents ( including the pastor) there why they are limiting the size of their families and you will get frighteningly similar responses .
"I can't afford it" . . . "I want be able to do more for my other children" . . . "I'm not ready for a baby" . . . I, I , I . . . me, me, me . . . stuff, stuff, stuff . . .
This is generally true regardless of denominational or doctrinal bent . The so-called Calvininsts know that God is Sovreign in Salvation -- but often act as if He's not as Sovreign in the womb; preachers that preach faith & trusting in "God's promises" don't extend & apply this to the family; Charismatics & Penecostals search for "gifts" but don't want too many of the Lord's "rewards" ( the "fruit of the womb") . . . etc
This is not to say that there are never legitimate reasons for Christians to stop having children . . .
I know of three families who have been forced to stop having children for siginficant, life threatening situations. There are, I'm sure plenty of different reasons for not having children.
However, this should be the exception. We should look on smaller families in our churches as an oddity, not the other way around.
And I should make sure I include a warning against a sort of "how many children do you have?" legalism used to self-righteously judge our brothers and sisters
( We know a family that has two godly grown daughters -- and seven or eight miscarriages since; on the outside, people see a "normal" family, but God, who "looks at the heart" sees a family trusting Him faithfully ).
BUT, I think my friend was right -- " God will never change the culture's view about abortion until the church changes it's view of children"
We should re-double our efforts to tear down the Planned Parenthood worldview in our churches & Christian families.
May God grant us wisdom; His children discernment; Christian parents the abundant life that comes from dying to self and trusting God for our family size; and may He grant our age a great revival and reformation !
Malachi 4:6; Luke 1:17