SOCIAL SECURITY: Idolatry and Slavery
By Pastor Matt Trewhella
The Bible addresses all matters of life. In this pamphlet is an outline establishing that the Bible stands in opposition to the Social Security system enacted in America in 1935. Social Security is an unBiblical, idolatrous system for the following reasons:
NOTE: The following is only a compiled list of the reasons given by Pastor Trewhalla in his article, here.
1. Social Security is a violation of the 1st Commandment.
2. Social Security is a violation of the 10th Commandment.
3. Social Security violates God’s work ethic.
4. Social Security violates the jurisdiction of the Family and the Church.
5. Social Security undermines the Family.
6. A person who numbers his child with the State is giving him or her a mark.
7. A person who numbers his child with the State renders unto Caesar that which is not Caesar’s.
8. A person who numbers his child with the State enslaves his child.
Read the entire article on my website, here.
Great article, but is the "agenda" -- that is, what is one to do when faced with this. Does Pastor Matt have a SSN? Do his children? If not, how do we "get along" with the business of life when so much of it requires enumeration (driver's license, bank account, etc.)?
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Anonymous |
4:38 AM