Marxist Get Religion
Is it just me, or is this weird ?
Is it just me, or is this weird ?
GENEVA (AFP) - Farmers around the world have applauded the failure of free-trade talks despite a warning from World Trade Organisation chief Pascal Lamy that everyone is a loser.
"The time has come, not to say that it's a failure today, but to say that it's an opportunity -- for farmers, fishing communities or developing countries -- to have real public debate about food sovereignty," said Jose Bove, a French farmer and one of the standard bearers of the anti-Doha movement in recent years. . . .
In the United States, home to huge rolling farms, National Farmers Union President Tom Buis said: "From the US agriculture producer perspective, there was great fear that the trade round would severely tie the hands of the US government as it attempts to address the challenges facing rural America . . .
The governments of Australia and New Zealand, leading members of the 18-member Cairns Group of agricultural exporters, were lone voices of disappointment in the global farming community.
"It is very, very important to our agriculture industries and our manufacturing industries to get better access to the markets of the world and this is going to slow that process down," said Australian Trade Minister Mark Vaile.
Agriculture was at the core of the failure of the trade talks, as the EU, the United States and emerging nations accused each other for intransigeance.
"Ministers were speaking to their respective galleries, but not to each other," said Jean-Pierre Lehmann, head of the Evian Group thinktank on world trade.
"It was abundantly clear that the sense of a global community required to provide the cement to the global market was absent, and is absent," he added.
A couple of decades ago, the three largest meat packers controlled 15% of the beef market. Now the three largest meat packers controll between 85 - 90%.
Combine this with the fact that Wal Mart, Kroger, and a couple of other Mega food chains along with the Mega Restraunt chains are all going towards more centralized buying, you end up with a pretty dangerous scenario for both food security and liberty. . .
This particular statement was chilling to me :
Tyson has always been less about happy suppliers and more about happy consumers. Like Wal-Mart, its big partner and neighbor a few miles up Interstate 540, Tyson is all about squeezing costs while it delivers value
Will the beef industry go the way of chickens ?
To read the whole article & comment, click here
26 June 2007
For Immediate Release
Today, the U.S. Senate voted in favor of bill 1639 by a 64-35 margin. The passage of S. 1639 allowed what many call the Amnesty Bill to be revived and moved ahead for further debate. Many supporters believe that this crucial vote all but assures that the bill will finally be passed in the Senate and will be the first step in legalizing between 12-20 million illegal aliens already in the country.
A breakdown of the vote by State tells us clearly that the South overwhelmingly opposed reviving S. 1639. The combined vote in 14 Southern States (Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, North Carolina, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, and Virginia) was 11 in favor and 17 against. Thus nearly half of the 35 "no" votes came from the South while only 18% of the "yes" votes came from Dixie. Without figuring in the Southern vote, the finally tally would have been 53 "yes" to 18 "no," a striking non-Southern majority in favor of Amnesty.
The breakdown of votes in each Southern State:
Alabama: Sessions (R)-No Shelby (R)-No
Arkansas: Lincoln (D)-Yes Pryor (D)-Yes
Florida: Martinez (R)-Yes Nelson (D)-Yes
Georgia: Chambliss (R)-No Isakson (R)-No
Kentucky: Bunning (R)-No McConnell (R)-Yes
Louisiana: Landriue (D)-No Vitter (R)-No
Mississippi: Cochran (R)-No Lott (R)-Yes
Missouri: Bond (R)-Yes McCaskill (D)-No
North Carolina: Burr (R)-Yes Dole (R)-No
Oklahoma: Coburn (R)-No Inhofe (R)-No
South Carolina: DeMint (R)-No Graham (R)-Yes
Tennessee: Alexander (R)-No Corker (R)-No
Texas: Cornyn (R)-No Hutchison (R)-No
Virginia: Warner (R)-Yes Webb (D)-Yes
Once again, the Southern States have been out-voted on a measure that, should it eventually become law, would threaten the interests and well being of their citizens. As the League of the South has proclaimed now for some thirteen years, the South will not be governed in her own interests and by her own principles until she becomes an independent republic.
To contact the League of the South by phone: (800) 888-3163; e-mail:
If you don't read Paul Vaughn's Josiah Project Blog, you are missing some good information . . .
In this five part series on Wal Mart, he lays the ax to the root of what ails us as a culture on several different fronts . . .
FYI : If you are still an NRA member, I would consider it about on the level with being a GOP member -- worth examining. . . the rest is just the typical low-rate/ slow-advancing tyrannical fare we've come to know & loathe.
I dunno, why in the world would we think that this country's going in the toilet ?
Why would we think that God was going to continue judging & cursing America ?
Why would anyone ever consider Southern secession or emmigration of Christian families as a viable option ?
Crazy extremists, I guess . . .
Oh ! She's a bad ole Democrat; that's the problem. I guess I should just support Boehemian Grove Bush like the other Chrisitans
Make sure you look a the link to get the full picture :
Maine Pagan Democrat Family Values
By Mike Hein
Jun 25, 2007 - 7:47:48 AM
Democrat County Chair Worships Witchcraft Goddess; Promotes Paganism
Democrat Chair Rita Moran
Rita Moran is well-known in Central Maine as the longstanding Kennebec County Democrat Chair and the the owner of Apple Valley Books at 121 Main Street in Winthrop. Less well-known is Moran's involvement in one of Maine's thriving underground pagan worship circles.
Self-described as being interested in "mythology and folklore" and "nature-based religion," Moran promotes and actively participates in the Immanent Grove Gnostic pagan worship group, located at 2328 Bog Road in Sidney, Maine. She is also involved with the Earthtides Pagan Network of Maine, and states publicly that pagans like her "...are polytheistic" and "...most of us are sincere pacifists."
Immanent Grove Pagan idol
Through her Apple Valley Books website, she promotes the expansion of the Immanent Grove pagan group. She sells "...locally crafted 'Book Jewels' Apple Valley Books and other locations, with a portion of sales supporting the Pagan Preserves Project." The "Pagan Preserves Project" is also referred to more vaguely by the group as the "Steeple Fund."
This fund raises money "...toward the long-term goal or purchasing property in central Maine for use by Pagans. What we [pagans] envision is a property of several acres within an easy drive of the Augusta area, suitable for multiple outdoor uses. Eventually, a multi-purpose building may be possible, but in the meantime, open circles, camping retreats, small outdoor fairs similar to [Maine's] Pagan Pride Days, outdoor shrines, and a labyrinth..."
Moran's Immanent Grove pagan-worshipping group is known throughout the New England region as having Maine's only shrine to Hecate, the Greek goddess of witchcraft and magic, at its Bog Road location in Sidney.
Perhaps most disturbing of all is the involvement of Moran's Apple Valley Books store in promoting her pagan-worshipping beliefs to Maine's children. Moran's store is one of only three bookstores nationwide that is listed as a children's resource on the " Pagans'n'Parenting" website. This website is a pagan resource for parents to involve their children in pagan worship. Moran's bookstore offers a 10% discount to parents who buy pagan wares (books, Tarot cards, etc.) from her for their children.
Moran's Apple Valley Books website not only proudly displays the Immanent Grove Gnostic pagan webpage, but also links directly to the Witchvox website, the pagan ritual website Omphalos, the pagan god website Temenos of Dionysos, and a " Teen Advice on Paganism" website.
Ya gotta love this; from the national web site of Wales
'Feminazis' blamed for declining birth rate Rhodri Clark, The Western Mail
A Swansea-based Anglican priest has branded modern women drab, dreary and graceless because they often wear trousers instead of skirts.
The Rev Kenneth Dobson, who lives in Swansea, also blames "feminazis" for the declining birth rate and says women are spending too much time at work instead of rearing children.
A feminist AM dismissed his comments yesterday as the "grumpy grumblings" of a person left behind by the world.
Mr Dobson, 78, who retired as a vicar because of recurring problems with wounds from naval service in World War II, fired his broadside at feminism in the latest issue of ManKind, magazine of the pressure group ManKind Initiative.
"It is truly incredible that it is not a group of men but an organisation of women that has emptied our homes of women, destroyed family life and families, and glories in the fact that the all-important female species is now a second-class male," wrote Mr Dobson, who grew up in Bargoed, in the Rhymney Valley.
"One remarkable proof of all this is to be seen in the way vast numbers of women today are dressed.
"Drab, dreary and often scruffy, the female has been driven into that most ungainly and often hideous garment - the trousers. The effect on their bearing and appearance is all too often appalling.
"Grace, charm, beauty, attractiveness and, above all, femininity have totally disappeared."
The Office for National Statistics had belatedly admitted that the birth rate was low, he wrote.
"It may have taken authority an awfully long time to admit it, but give them credit for doing so now, even if it will not earn them Brownie points from their feminazi friends.
"Today we have with us, and often in charge of us, females who are profoundly anti-feminine as well as anti-male.
"We have reached the stage where women, with all their God-given talents, are occupying themselves tapping computers in offices and shops so that they can help to provide ever more and more gadgets for their homes which they only briefly enter, and for their few children - as few as possible - to be provided with toys they seldom play with. . . . .
The Future belongs to the Fertile . . . .
God says that children are a blessing and fertility is a sign of prosperity.
Modern man says children are a burden and a huge cost to parents & the enviorment.
Death loving, children rejecting, self-worshipping, money grubbing moderns are proving God right on every continent.
From the Asia Times :
Desperate for a baby boom By Kalinga Seneviratne
SINGAPORE - Alarmed by a falling birth rate and its impact on the economy, Singapore badly wants its well-educated, career-oriented women to have more babies. . . .
Will Grigg tells the sad tale of the death of a Afgan war vet at the hands of the overagressive defenders of the Homeland Security Statism
Click Here
The real irony here is that the cheif sacrament of feminism (abortion) is largely responsible for the demise of the female gender.
Infanticide, Abortion Responsible for 60 Million Girls Missing in Asia
There is a little-known battle for survival going in some parts of the world. Those at risk are baby girls, and the casualties are in the millions each year. The weapons being used against them are prenatal sex selection, abortion and female infanticide — the systematic killing of girls soon after they are born.
According to a recent United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) State of the World Population Report, these practices, combined with neglect, have resulted in at least 60 million "missing" girls in Asia, creating gender imbalances and other serious problems that experts say will have far reaching consequences for years to come. . .. .
. . . The imbalances are also giving rise to a commercial sex trade; the 2005 report states that up to 800,000 people being trafficked across borders each year, and as many as 80 percent are women and girls, most of whom are exploited.
"Women are trafficked from North Korea, Burma and Vietnam and sold into sexual slavery or to the highest bidder," Mosher said. . . . .
Good piece from the Georgia Heritage Foundation
The New Slave Traders
– Commentary by Steve Scroggins
What do modern politicians have in common with New England shipping magnates of the 17th and 18th centuries? Both are willing to exploit people and enable other exploiters for their own personal gain regardless of the impact and consequences to their society and culture. The New England shipping magnates learned from their British cousins that trafficking in human cargo was very lucrative, in fact, enormous fortunes were made by the New England slave traders. More on this later.
Likewise, many 21st century politicians use their power and influence to thwart and discourage enforcement of U.S. immigration laws in order to gain a cheap labor source for the purpose of enriching their patrons and supporters who in turn give the politicians money which they use to hold onto power.
Thus, the New 21st Century Slave Traders are all American Presidents since 1986 in collusion with the U.S. Congress who have used various political tricks including budget deprivation, executive orders, ineffective rules of engagement and regulatory ham-stringing in order to thwart and render ineffective efforts to enforce U.S. immigration laws.
Terence P. Jeffrey's column entitled, "Yes, Immigration Is About Culture," once again hammered home for me the idea that selfish elitists seek to line their pockets at any cost (to others), and they could care less about the destruction it wreaks on America.
Jeffrey concludes his essay with the following observation...
Balkanization, fostered by the multiculturalist mindset, is a threat to American culture, but there is a greater threat behind the current drive to amnesty all illegal aliens and maintain a flow of new, exploitable, unskilled foreign laborers.
This is the ideology that wants to write into law -- in this nation founded on the principle that God created all men equal -- that there shall be a resident subclass of laborers constrained by government to work for wages so low no American would accept them. This ideology is a form of materialism that puts the pursuit of profit above all else. It is the inordinate love of money.
It would dissolve what is best about America in a culture of greed.
In others words, these New Slave Traders are importing new slaves to enhance their patron's bottom lines, and if that hurts American middle class workers, or undermines American security, creates social chaos...well, tough toenails. They don't care as long as they can throw out a smokescreen of lies to cover their complicity (fool the voters). Somehow or other, they manage to justify it in their own minds...or perhaps some are sociopaths without conscience.
Let's review the opposing forces in this moral struggle. These New 21st Century Slave Traders want to, in effect, legalize past illegal immigration with "amnesty" which will encourage more illegal immigration in the future...the proposed amnesty plan prevents the forced deportation or arrest of the criminal illegals but makes it highly unlikely the immigrants will jump through the hoops and pay the fines to become legal citizens....thus, they become the permanent non-citizen underclass. The Republican Slave Traders want to supply the cheap labor slaves to keep their financial backers happy, but would prefer those slaves didn't vote. More on this later
IF I were a Dispensationalist, I might think this is a huge step towards the "mark of the Beast".
Since I'm merely a lover of liberty, I think it's horrendous for completely different reasons . . .
You won't hear this from the mainstream press, but this peice from the League of the South Blog is more proof that :
a) Americans may be more ready for a multi-party system
b) A Candidate like Ron Paul might do extremely well
c) Governing a multi-cultural, huge continental nation might well be impossible & the League of the South might well be onto something .
Poll: Congress’ Approval Same As BushFriday, May 11, 2007
Clowns to the left of me—jokers to the right—what’s a voter to do? Looks like everyone in DC is corrupt as well as incompetent:
People think the Democratic-led Congress is doing just as dreary a job as President Bush, following four months of bitter political standoffs that have seen little progress on Iraq and a host of domestic issues.
Maybe—just maybe—both Democrats and Republicans can’t agree on action on the issues that are important to voters because the country has just become too big to manage. DC is so locked up in bureaucracy, and so focused on its own power and its own agenda that it’s impossible to represent the interests of 300,000,000 people. Could be that the only way out is to return to basics—the basics, that is, of what this country was founded on. No, not egalitarianism—that’s from the bloody French and even bloodier Russian and Chinese revolutions—but to the core American principle of the sovereignty of the people, of the right to “to dissolve the political bands which have connected them” and “ institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.” What a nice ring those words have. Instead of repeating the same thing, of electing new would-be saviors to take the levers of power in faraway DC and save us, maybe it’s time we started saving ourselves. Maybe these folks have the right idea. And these.
It’s just a matter of time before things get so desperate that the only option will be to solve the problem rather than hoping it’ll solve itself.
Posted by Mike Tuggle on 05/11 at 08:07 AM
Kosovo wants to leave Serbia . . . the Serbs in Kosovo might leave if they do. . .
the Kurds want to leave Iraq . . .
Sounds like Thomas Jefferson & the CSA were onto something .
Serbs may leave region if Kosovo gets independence
May 4, 2007
UNITED NATIONS, May 3 (Itar-Tass) - In the event of granting independence to Kosovo there is a possibility that few in number Serbs living in the territory may leave it, Russian Ambassador to the United Nations Vitaly Churkin said in an interview to Russian journalists on Wednesday. Churkin visited the region with a delegation of the UN Security Council in order to familiarise with the situation there.
“It is perfectly clear that the Serbs do not accept the idea of Kosovo independence,” the diplomat said. The view that the Serbs will begin to return if the independence is granted is obviously ungrounded. “Possibly, those few Serbs that had earlier returned will start to leave,” Churkin added. In this connection the Russian ambassador to the UN expressed the view that in this situation it is necessary to continue talks. Moreover, “it is necessary to continue maintaining standards and it is necessary to continue to very seriously work on normalising the situation in Kosovo,” he said.
Therefore, it is inadmissible now “to just cancel resolution 1244 of the UN Security Council and proceed to something else,” as is proposed in the plan of US Secretary-General’s special envoy Martti Ahtissari. “In our view, first it is necessary to implement the decision that were adopted, it is necessary to have self-respect and only after that transfer to some other conversations,” Churkin stressed. “The conclusion at which we had earlier arrived that it is inadmissible to force the ‘Ahtisaari package’ on the parties gets a confirmation,” he added.
Commenting on the briefing of Permanent Representative of Belgium to the United Nations Johan Verbeke held at the UN Security Council, Churkin pointed out that “the understanding was expressed at the briefing of the fact that the Albanians and Serbs are not living together yet and fear and uncertainty persist in Kosovo.”
Patriarchs or Patri-tyrants ?
I am -- philosophy & in practice -- firmly in the much derided "Patriarchy" camp. We have believed, taught, and lived this way for over 15 years.
However, I think that often many men who hold to this same worldview & espose its principles bring shame on the movement -- and upon Christ -- by the way they put this into practice. ( I am sure I have been guilty of the same, but I have tried to both guard against this and repent when I realised I was slipping).
In dealing with children and even sometimes wives, Christian men --who would never buy into feministic or worldly philosophies -- are guilty of being guided & shaped by our godless culture by overreacting and acting as anti-feminist husbands and fathers rather than Biblical, Christ-honouring servant-leaders.
We are not to be wimps or pushovers or form our opinions on pseodo-Christian psyco-babble drivel. However, the answer is not to brow-beat our wives or children. It is not to rule with a iron rod. It is not to weary our children with tedious rules and unrealistic demands. Nor are we to humiliate & belittle our wives .
To do so is to invite the wrath of God, the resentment of our families, rank rebellion, driving our children away and earning the "see-I-told-you-so" ridcule of those who are skeptical of the Patriarchy movement.
Rather, we are to place our wives on a pedistal and win their joyful submission and respect with our love and self-denial.
Often men resent their wives refusal to follow when the real problem is failing to lead; but on the other hand, we are not called to lead them in a patronizing, smug manner. We are not called to rule them as we would a dog. We are to treasure them and love them as Christ loved the church. I have seen men tell their wives to do things in front of people just to prove a point.
Likewise, our children can be driven away from us and into rebellion if we misuse the authority we have over them. We want their hearts. We do not want them to be robots or trained bears to show off with.
To do so is to invite them to either run into the arms of the world or become little Pharisees who do not love Christ and will not build His Kingdom.
May He have mercy !
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No jobs for US citizens without Homeland Security approval
Press Esc | May 29, 2007
US citizens who apply for a job will need prior approval from Department of Homeland Security under the terms immigration bill passed by the Senate this week.
American Civil Liberties Union pointed out that the DHS's Employment Eligibility Verification System (EEVS) is error plagued and if the department makes a mistake in determining work eligibility, there will be virtually no way to challenge the error or recover lost wages due to the bill's prohibitions on judicial review.
Even current employees will need to obtain eligibility approval from the DHS Within 60 days of the Immigration Reform Act of 2006 becoming law.
"EEVS would be a financial and bureaucratic nightmare for both businesses and workers," said Timothy Sparapani, ACLU Legislative Counsel. "Under this already flawed program no one would be able to work in the U.S. without DHS approval - creating a ‘No Work List' similar to the government's ‘No Fly List.' We need immigration reform, but not at this cost."
The act allocates US$400 million for the implementation of the EEVS, but the Congressional Budgeting Office estimates the system to cost in excess of a billion dollars.